Degenerative Spinal Disorders

Degenerative spinal disorders

Spinal degenerative disorders point to any condition of the spinal column in which wear and tear occur in the bone and soft tissues of the spine. The leading cause of wear and tear is aging & so degenerative spinal disorder is perpetually associated with older people. Also, individuals who put a prolonged & increased strain on their necks and backs can increase the risk of early wear and tear.

What are the types of Degenerative Spinal Disorders?

Herniated Discs / Slipped Disc

In this condition bulging of the disc takes place. The bulging of a disc may cause compression of the nerves which leads to back or leg pain (Sciatica). This usually occurs over the years, but sudden trauma can also cause a herniated disc. The most usually affected sites are lumbar discs and cervical discs.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a state where the spinal column narrows down and begins compressing the spinal cord. Spinal stenosis usually is a gradual process. If the narrowing is insignificant, no symptoms are visible. Problem arises when there is too much narrowing that compresses the nerves. Spinal stenosis can happen any place along the spine.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Typically, the spine and every ligament and muscular support are steady & only move in specific ways. Yet, with critical degenerative disc disease, the natural stability of a spine can slack and start significant instability in particular areas. Instability can commence pain and injury to the spinal cord or nerves, which can induce neurological symptoms. Weakness & instability can also happen as the consequence of an injury that tears supporting soft tissues or fractures bones of the spine.

What are the Treatment options for Degenerative spine changes?

Treatment options for degenerative spine disorders vary from person to person. Some may require conservative therapy along with physical therapy and rehabilitation. While some may need surgical intervention.

What types of surgical procedures help in case of Degenerative Spine Disorder?

  • Laminectomy
  • Facetectomy
  • Foraminotomy
  • Microdiscectomy
  • Endoscopic Discectomy
  • Posterior Cervical Laminectomy
  • Posterior Cervical Laminoplasty
  • Anterior Cervical Discectomy And Fusion (ACDF)
  • Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF)
  • Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF)
  • Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF)
  • Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion (OLIF)

'Here at D Spine Clinic Degenerative Spinal Changes are well understood and an appropriate treatment protocol is followed as per patients needs to give them satisfactory and long term results'